

来源:太阳集团tyc 发布日期:2021-05-31


主要从事非平衡统计物理问题的研究,主持完成国家自然科学基金项目4项,国家留学基金委项目1项。在Nat. Commun., Environ. Int., ACS Synth. Biol.Biophys. J.Phys. Rev. EEurophys. Lett.等刊物上发表SCI论文20多篇,出版学术译著1部。2017年获校第四届陆增镛教师奖2019年获湖州市首届教育工作突出贡献个人称号。




[1] Feng Liu#, Junwen Mao#, Wentao Kong, Qiang Hua, Youjun Feng, Rashid Bashir & Ting Lu*. Interaction variability shapes succession of synthetic microbial ecosystems. Nature Communications, 11: 309 (2020). (#These authors contributed equally)

[2] Feng Liu, Junwen Mao, Ting Lu*, Qiang Hua*. Synthetic, Context-Dependent Microbial Consortium of Predator and Prey. ACS Synth. Biol. 8(8): 1713-1722 (2019)

[3] Junwen Mao and Ting LuPopulation-dynamic modeling of bacterial horizontal gene transfer by natural transformation. Biophysical Journal 110 (1): 258-268 (2016)  

[4] Junwen Mao, Andrew E. Blanchard, and Ting LuSlow and Steady Wins the Race: A Bacterial Exploitative Competition Strategy in Fluctuating Environments. ACS Synthetic Biology 4 (3): 240-2482015

[5] Jun-Wen Mao*, Cai-Wan Shen, Diffusion over a fluctuating barrier in underdamped dynamics, Phys. Rev. E 83041108 (2011)

[6] Jun-Wen Mao*, Jiang-Xing Chen, Wen-Hua Huang, Bai-Qing Li, and Wei-Kuan GeNoise-induced anomalous diffusion over a periodically modulated saddle. Phys. Rev. E 81031123 (2010)